Big office space with a plant directly outside the entrance of my cubicle. The cubicle you see on the right belongs to yours truly~
Enough space for me to roll ard.
Still got comfy sofa to sit down, too bad we don enjoy that often.
My Colleague Rina~Sometimes she cook in our kitchen durng lunchtime!Always makes me hungry!
My Shifu aka Chris Lai. Basically following him ard to meet customers...Got free meals!! =) A racing fanatic, used to be a racer in Houston. Came over to work, but still drives sports car.
My Office Mgr, Christine Jie Jie. Funny, funny & funny! See she's trying to act busy, but yet her desk so empty! lol.
Now that's call busy! Actually this is considered gd.. Usually the quotes are all over the table.. As everyone knows, im a very neat person, so you can imagine how busy i m if i don haf time to tidy my desk. =)
Still got 2 more area managers but they're not ard this week.
NOV Mission division!
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