Had a 16hr flight from SG to Tokyo to LA... Soooo tired... body aching all over...
Now rotting in Los Angeles airport waiting for connecting flight to Houston. It’s 12pm here in LA, (3am in SG), gonna wait 4+ hrs for my flight…so here I m, rotting in a cafĂ© & blogging.
It’s so cold in here, it’s like freezing…. Is it the aircon, or is it the loneliness?? A bit of both I guess… Found free wireless here, so here i am blogging... yawnz..
Anyway, I had a small gathering/farewell again in Villa Bali, organized by 2 Yandaos, Bernardo & Dpx. You might think that they’re so kind to organize something for me, but more likely, they wanna uncover some news!! They’ve got something up their sleeves, a conspiracy which I was 1 of the accomplice. . Lol.
This time round, we tok a no. of photos. The Indian platter for 3-4 is simply irresistible. There’s ‘nuns’, mutton, cheesy curry (according to david) & some others which I cant remember, but it’s really good.
Definitely better den then Indonesian platter which consist of mainly spicy meat & rice
As for desserts, only the brownie is worth mentioning. The 1st time we had the brownie, it WAS damn good, hot brownie with ice cold ice cream(of cos ice cream is ice cold….) the hotness from the brownie + the warmth from your mouth melts the ice cream right in your mouth… wooooooooo….
But this time, the brownie wasn’t hot… disappointing..
The drinks were good, especially xinyi’s favourite Absolute ruby (consist of volka & craneberry juice) & Amelia’s forgot-wat-drink. An absolute-must-try drink will be the Mojito! David’s favourite drink…Try it & let me know whether you like it or not. Lol.
Had a great nite catching up, will certainly miss everyone in SG. Just a few hours before my flight, but yet I don have the excitement/feeling that I’m going to Houston…

As for the conspiracy/ news, it’s something for you to find out. Lol. I will be back soon, & DON GO FOR OVERSEAS TRIPS WITHOUT ME!
At the airport…
My parents
Mumbo family~
Got a photoframe from them, done by Ah ling. Don noe y every gifts nowadays are all photos. Lol. But i appreciate though. Remnd me of good old times in Camp Mumbo
The pig, aka Rui En, representing Merlot, Topaz, Lireal & Carnage. Lol
Will be reaching Houston at around 11+AM SG time, take my rental car & find my way back to apartment.. Hopefully everything turns out fine. Oh... and it's boring to travel alone, no1 to take pics with/for me, no1 to talk nonsenses also. sianz... Nvm, shall update again soonz...Time to board liao... Cyaz!
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