Leaving on Saturday morning 9am, sooooo... NO EXCUSE for not coming to see me off!!! lol. All must come!!!Yeah~!! lol.
Taking SIA to Tokyo, transit to LA, then wait 5 hours, before i fly coach to Houston. By the time i reach houston its already 10pm! faint. Have no idea where's my apartment yet... hope it'll be confirmed real soon, but i know i will be sharing with another NG(Next Gen) from middle east. SOUNDs exciting huh, I certainly hope he's fun-loving, easy going & adventurous, so we can explore USA together!!
Was told US side will shut up from 21st Dec all the way to 2nd Jan due to the holiday season. So shiok huh!! My flight back is on 27th Dec, so i got 6 days to tour US from LA. WOo Hoo~!! For the benefit of those who failed their Geography, refer to the following pic
Houston is in Texas, way south of North America. Some of you might know, Texas is like semi desert, so its rather Hot even in winter.. Or i should say, there's no winter.. its like SG, hot hot & hot. lol. Thinking of spottin cowboys? Nahz... not in Houston... But i will go in search for 1!! lol. Probably will gather some NGs & do some weekend ROADTRIPs to nearby cities like Austin or maybe even San antonio! Will definitely be fun!Cant wait for that!
Looking forward to 21st Dec, where i'll fly to LA & start my tour. Americans most likely will be spending their X'mas with their family, so probably i'll travel ALONE, or maybe drag my roomate along. Hope i won get gunned down.. lol.
My Options
1. Los Angeles
100% in my itinery, not Bcos its fun & gd, but bcos my flights stop there. Will visit DISNEYLAND, Universal studio for sure. Hollywood doesnt excite me, heard its boring. Will be good to visit Beverly Hills, where most of the celebrities hang out, or Santa Monica, a cool beach community with 3.5 miles of coastal area. Woohoo!! Too bad, it's WINTER... no Bikini babes.. no surfers, sad case.. Even if there are, they'll probably be frozen. Lol.
2. San Francisco
Heard so much abt it being a popular tourist spot. Pier 39, golden gates, city surrounded by water, blah blah blah (cant remember already). Yingni say it's full of delicious food, Boss say it's full of diversity, italians, german, koreans, japanese, chinese etc, & filled with gays & lesbian pubs. They're really very Open, in terms of culture & mindset (hopefully not their zippers). I'm not doing San Fran any justice by writing so little. I did research on it, but cant remember from top of my head.. oppps
2.1 Lake Tahoe
If i were to visit San Fran, I'm sure to visit Lake Tahoe! A city northeast of San Franciso, its.............. a fantastic place for SKIING!!!! woohooo!!! I wanna go skiing!!!!! Nv tried Before.. Yeah, i know, mountain turtle, suan ku, whatever you wanna call me, but i've never seen real snow, not to mention skiing! Definitely hope to SKI when i'm there!! US$48 for a full day, $30+ for equipment rental. But.. they don provide winter clothings & gloves... sad case... I'll have to buy them & use JUST FOR 6 DAYS?!?!?! wtf... Any kind souls wanna lend me?? Willing to pay rental fees. lol.
3. Las Vegas
Gambling city bubbling with happening Nightlife!! Casinos, pubs, bars, hotels, strip clubs, what ever you name it, they have it. Who knows, they probably even have ah Tiong KTV bars. lol. Haven been doin research on that.. but, it sure sounds interesting... Can probably work as a partime stripper to earn some quick money. Bwahahah!!
4. Bear mountain
It's not a mountain full of bears.... It's another SKI resort north of LA..It's a nearer alternative for Ski. Given the limited time (5days) & of course the budget, i might have to stick to bear mountain.
I don know man, only 5 days, cant really cover much.. so it's probably LA & either San franc, or Las Vegas... Might even rent a car & drive all the way up to SF, 8-12hrs drive, + some time for getting lost...Probably don have the luxury of time... Shall discuss with room mate when i arrive, gotta book early, holiday season = expensive travel fares.
Oh.. & i'll be spending X'mas alone in US.. Poor thing...Hopefully can join some parties or whatever, if not i'll just be alone eating McDonalds while YOU ALL are celebrating with friends.. But i will be back for New Year Eve celebration!! woohoo!!
Gotta leave liao.. meeting colleagues for drinks AGAIN. Pray i don't get drunk this time.... 8 more days!!!!!!!
Grab a beer/coke & stay tuned to Yandao TV~
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